Working with an established brand with an existing customer base guarantees a steady capital influx. While buying an existing business is not a riskless move, this option is significantly less risky than forming a new company.  

In this article, you will find a checklist before buying a Florida business. 

What to Check Before Buying a Florida Business – Full Overview  

No matter how promising a business offer might appear to be, it is crucial to double-check the company’s history to guarantee a profitable deal.  

Prospective buyers that opt not to invest the required time and effort in this checking process will likely face unexpected issues further down the road. Hiring an expert legal advisor is not mandatory but this option adds a superior level of expertise that will certainly make a difference in the outcome of the research. 

Performing Title Search  

If a business transaction includes the property where the company is installed, a title search is fundamental to verify the existence of issues that may affect the ownership of the property. 

In this process, the prospective buyer works with a legal advisor to search records and other data sources to discover any issues associated with a property’s title. Once the search is completed, a title report must be issued. 

An efficient title search serves to identify any document, lien, or encumbrance that can potentially invalidate the title of a property or result in doubtful ownership. 

Checking the Business’ Profit & Losses  

When selling a company in Florida, business owners use several strategies to make the offer look more attractive. To have a more accurate view of the business’s financial situation, it is crucial to proceed with a solid check on its history of profits and losses. 

With few exceptions, a business that has been generating steady profit for half a decade will likely be a better choice than a company with irregular numbers. If the company being sold failed to generate profit in the last few years, potential buyers must proceed carefully. 

Checking the Company’s Equipment & Inventory 

Purchasing an existing business often includes all the equipment required to conduct the company’s operations. Before signing the closing paperwork, a prospective buyer must assess the whole equipment and inventory.  

It is important to identify the quality of the equipment, whether it is new, the level of wear and tear of older pieces, and the equipment’s expected lifecycle. Failing to assess these elements timely will result in a significant amount spend to purchase new equipment.  

Checking the Company’s Legal Documents 

If you want to ensure a successful business transaction and a positive forecast for the new operation, it is fundamental to check how the company started and whether it has all the required legal documents in place. 

In some cases, the structure of a business is subject to significant structural changes throughout its history, which requires constant updates on documents. 

A prospective buyer must look at the founding documents, agreements, contracts, and any other legal documents associated with the company to identify red flags. For example, the unexplained removal of a business partner or doubtful ownership issues does not offer good business prospects. 

Conduct Proper Due Diligence Before Buying a Florida Business – Work with Attorney Romy B. Jurado Today 

Waste no time with uncertainty. Contact us by calling (305) 921-0976 or emailing [email protected] to ensure a successful business purchase in Florida.
