por Abogada Romy Jurado | Ago 23, 2022 | Legalización de un testamento
There are different estate planning tools to ensure that loved ones with special needs will be taken care of when their parents or grandparents are no longer there to provide for them. Keep reading to discover the types of special needs trusts in Florida. What is a...
por Abogada Romy Jurado | Ago 19, 2022 | Legalización de un testamento
Depending on how they are structured and maintained, different types of trusts fulfill distinct purposes to attain specific goals – whether for estate planning, tax deduction, probate avoidance, or other reasons. In this article, you will have an overview of...
por Abogada Romy Jurado | Jun 13, 2022 | Bienes Raíces, Legalización de un testamento
Si bien planificar lo que sucederá con su patrimonio personal al fallecer no es una situación agradable, sí es necesario. Por ello, diseñar una estrategia para dejar todo en manos de sus beneficiarios, también implica saber cuáles son las mejores formas de propiedad...
por Abogada Romy Jurado | Mar 29, 2022 | Legalización de un testamento
In Florida, state law guarantees trust beneficiaries the legal right to access certain information about their interest share in the arrangement. Therefore, if a trustee refuses to provide information, beneficiaries have the right to enforce their rights in court with...
por Abogada Romy Jurado | Mar 28, 2022 | Legalización de un testamento
When someone dies in Florida owning assets titled solely in his/her name, the deceased person’s estate will likely go through ancillary probate. In this article, you will find out what ancillary probate is and why you should avoid it at all costs. Ancillary...
por Abogada Romy Jurado | Mar 25, 2022 | Legalización de un testamento
Popularly known as the favorite destination for retirees and «snowbirds» running from cold weather in the North, the state of Florida has been one of the most sought-after places for out-of-state residents. When a non-resident dies owning assets in Florida, a local...